Title: Navigating the ACLP Annual Meeting: Tips & Tricks
Time/Date: 5:00 – 6:00 PM EDT, Sunday, Oct 6
Platform: Zoom
Please join us for this virtual welcome to the ACLP annual meeting hosted by the Early Career Track Subcommittee.
As the meeting expands each year, we want to ensure that you feel equipped to optimize your meeting experience, especially if you are a first-time attendee or trainee. In this webinar, we will cover:
Speakers include the CLP 2024 Scientific Program Chair Dr. Amy Bauer, members of the Annual Meeting Committee, and chairs from the following Academy subcommittees:
We will conclude with a Q&A session designed to answer any and every question you might have. We greatly look forward to you joining us on October 6th!
There is no cost, nor CME credit, however registration is required.