ACLP Committee Conference Call Scheduling Instructions

ACLP Committee Conference Call Scheduling Instructions


The access number for all teleconferences is 1-877-805-0965.

The passcodes are as follows:

To reserve a timeslot for your call:

  1. Navigate to the date/time on the shared calendar:
  2. Double-click the calendar to start an entry
  3. Put your committee name in the ‘Title’
  4. Change ‘When’ settings as needed
  5. IMPORTANT: Assign the call to a committee calendar using the drop-down menu. If you do not follow this step, you may end up with two groups using the line at the same time.
  6. Click ‘More’ to access settings to create a recurring meeting. It works just like Outlook, but if you have trouble creating a recurring entry, please ask the executive office for help.
  7. Your guiding principle in reserving a telcon: do not schedule your telcon at the same time as a similarly colored entry. You CAN schedule against a differently colored calendar, as the passcodes are different.