For Residents

Educational Resources | How to Get Involved | Considering a C-L Fellowship? | Applying to Fellowship 

Welcome to the ACLP page for residents’ resources! 

We present here links to educational resources about C-L psychiatry: please do have a look.

We discuss how you can become more involved in C-L psychiatry: especially consider attending the annual meeting, which takes place each November. The annual meeting hosts a “meet and greet” for trainees, where you can meet ACLP members and leaders, learn about opportunities for C-L psychiatrists, find a mentor, and have your questions answered.

Annual Meeting graphic

Finally, we provide information about applying to a fellowship in psychiatry, the path to obtaining board recognition in our specialty.

Learn more about becoming an ACLP member here.

Record number of applicants match to fellowships in C-L Psychiatry, but training positions remain available

On January 10, 2024, a total of 98 applicants matched to fellowship training programs in our subspecialty. This is a record number and a 19% increase from last year. This testifies to the ever-rising interest in the care of the medically ill. Employment prospects for jobs in both inpatient and outpatient C-L remain strong. There is a continued demand for psychiatrists skilled in working in medical settings, including academic and non-academic venues.

If you are interested in pursuing fellowship training, we do wish to assure you that many excellent programs still have open slots. Even if you missed the Match, do contact institutions listed in our directory and you are sure to find  a variety of fellowship training opportunities starting in July.