Man of the Moment

IN THIS ISSUE: Mentorship Subcommittee | Academy Mentorship | Brendel | Rabinowitz | CLP 2021 | A&E Abstracts

Man of the Moment

Two new subcommittees now ‘live in his tent’

Suddenly, Terry Rabinowitz, MD, DDS, FACLP, is even more in demand.

Terry Rabinowitz, MD, DDS, FACLP
Terry Rabinowitz, MD, DDS, FACLP

Just a few weeks back he was an ACLP Board director, chair of the ACLP Membership Committee, and chair of the ACLP Telepsychiatry SIG. That’s not to mention his day job at the University of Vermont Medical Center.

Then, thanks to the hard work of Kewchang Lee, MD, FACLP, who led the ACLP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Presidential Task Force, and the Board’s direction, the DEI Subcommittee chaired by Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP, came under his Membership Committee wing.

Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP
Leena Mittal, MD, FACLP

“The subcommittee’s mission is multi-faceted,” says Dr. Rabinowitz. “In brief, it will strive to find areas where ACLP can enhance its efforts to identify, recruit, and support individuals and groups that were not traditionally or previously fully represented in the Academy and to develop creative ways to advance recognition and retention of these individuals and groups.”

And then, last month, the Board designated the newly formed Mentorship Subcommittee to be under the Membership Committee auspices as well.

“This subcommittee represents a key component of the ACLP mission and the work we do—the commitment to mentorship requires time, patience, diplomacy, and curiosity.

“Many of our mentors are thought leaders in CLP and have had significant and lasting effects on their mentees, and many past mentees have truly lived up to the axiom Pay it forward by becoming mentors later in their careers.

“Both subcommittees will ‘live’ in the tent provided by the Membership Committee.”

Meanwhile, the Academy’s Telepsychiatry SIG needs little by way of introduction, adds Dr. Rabinowitz. “Because of the pandemic, C-L psychiatrists and many, many other providers have used it more frequently or have become new adopters.

“In recognition of Telepsychiatry’s increased ‘footprint,’ a Telepsychiatry SIG listserv was created.

“Please reach out to your telepsychiatry colleagues with questions, interesting cases, ideas for collaboration (including research), or anything else related to C-L Telepsychiatry.”


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