Administrative Aspects of C-L Psychiatry

Journal Article Annotations
2020, 1st Quarter

Administrative Aspects of C-L Psychiatry

Shehzad K. Niazi, MD
March, 2020

  1. Performance measurement tools for consultation-liaison psychiatry services must consider feasibility.
  2. The multi-dimensional matrix for consultation-liaison psychiatry (mMAX-LP).

    PUBLICATION #1 — Administrative Aspects of C-L Psychiatry
    Performance measurement tools for consultation-liaison psychiatry services must consider feasibility.
    Kroll, D. S., et al. (2020).
    • Findings:
      • Performance metrices that depend on automated or could be extracted from Electronic Health Records were more likely to be reported
      • C-L Psychiatry Services will need to either invest in resources for assessment of performance measures or explore tools available in EHR to automate such tasks
    • Strengths & weaknesses:
      • Multi-site
      • Motivated and committed leaders championed the implementation
      • Small retrospective study that did not actually test the hypothesis that automated data extraction is superior to manual abstraction. However, this is consistent with other reports in literature that in supports the conclusion of the study.
    • Relevance:
      • There is increasing need for C-L Psychiatry services to document how it adds value to the care and experience of its various customers (patients, caregivers, services seeking consult, payers, etc). Having measures that can be used to do so re critically needed.

    PUBLICATION #2 — Administrative Aspects of C-L Psychiatry
    The multi-dimensional matrix for consultation-liaison psychiatry (mMAX-LP).
    Hopkins, J., F. Sundram, and S. Cullum.

    • Findings:
    • Strengths & weaknesses:
      • Takes into account C-L Psychiatry services across England and New Zelnad
      • Matrix, the mMAX-LP has matured during its 7 iterations over three years
      • Provides a structured way of assessing the C-L Psychiatry services across organizations
      • mMAX-LP can describe the unique “signature” taking into account 16-domains of each C-L Psychiatry program and progress or lack thereof can be compared overtime
    • Relevance:
      • Benchmarking, tracking progress and comparison across organizations requires formalizing theoretical constructs. For the C-L Psychiatry field such a tool, may prove beneficial.