
Journal Article Annotations
2020, 4th Quarter


Annotations by J. Jewel Shim, MD
December, 2020

  1. An evaluation of intensity of delusional belief in patients with delusional infestation pre- and post-treatment in a specialist psychodermatology center
  2. Skin picking treatment with the Rothbaum cognitive behavioral therapy protocol: a randomized clinical trial.

    PUBLICATION #1 — Psychodermatology

    An evaluation of intensity of delusional belief in patients with delusional infestation pre- and post-treatment in a specialist psychodermatology center
    Maria-Angeliki Gkini, Joao Nogueira, Tanyo Tanev, Padma Mohandas, Ruth Taylor, Anthony Bewley


    The finding:
    This is a prospective observational study examining 43 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed delusional parasitosis and referred to a specialty psychodermatology clinic. The study authors sought to characterize the severity of delusional beliefs as measured by the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale (BABS) and track improvement of these beliefs after multimodal treatment (antipsychotics, CBT based support, dermatological interventions. Results demonstrated significant improvement in BABS scores with treatment.

    Strength and weaknesses:
    The study offers a novel approach to considering delusional infestation (DI) in a quantitative assessment of the severity of beliefs. However, the sample size was small. There was no information whether the participants all received the same treatment or how their treatment may have differed. There is no information regarding the study interval, ie, length of time between measurements, and whether this was fixed or varied per subject. While claiming that characterizing the severity of delusional beliefs is important clinically, the investigators did not specify how this would impact treatment, though one would logically surmise that the more severe the investment in delusions the more aggressive the treatment. 

    The study raises the consideration of assessing severity of delusional beliefs and whether to alter treatment approach based on the severity of these symptoms.

    Type of study (EBM guide):
    case series

    PUBLICATION #2 — Psychodermatology

    Skin picking treatment with the Rothbaum cognitive behavioral therapy protocol: a randomized clinical trial.
    Alice C M Xavier, Camila M B de Souza, Luís H F Flores, Mariane B Bermudez, Renata M F Silva, Ariadne C de Oliveira, Carolina B Dreher


    The finding:
    This study examined the use of a specific treatment method used to treat trichotillomania and found it to be effective in treating skin picking disorder (SPD) in both individual and group formats.  In addition, this method also addressed comorbid depression and anxiety symptoms, with individual treatment being somewhat more efficacious in addressing anxiety symptoms.

    Strength and weaknesses:
    A major weakness is the small sample size and lack of control group and some intergroup differences e.g., no subjects with social anxiety in the group treatment intervention. Strengths include randomization and inclusion of assessment of comorbid depression and anxiety symptoms, which can complicate treatment of SPD.

    This study offers an evidence-based treatment for SPD that can be delivered in both individual and group formats.

    Type of study (EBM guide):
    Randomized trial