2024 Webinars – September 11

September 11, 2024

Title: Management of Acute Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Time/Date: 12:30 – 1:00 PM EST, Wednesday, Sept 11

Platform: Zoom

Trainee Presenter: Anjali Chandra, PGY2, Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Discussant: Avram H. Mack, M.D. is a psychiatrist with expertise and board certifications in addictions, child & adolescent, forensic psychiatry. He has served as the lead child consult psychiatrist at Georgetown, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Nemours Children’s Health and has been full professor of psychiatry at Georgetown and the University of Pennsylvania

Moderator: David Fipps, DO, Senior Associate Consultant in CL, Transplant, and Bariatric Surgery Psychiatry at Mayo Clinic, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine.

Description: Dr. Chandra will present a clinical case that highlights the complexities of assessing and managing acute benzodiazepine withdrawal. Dr. Mack will serve as the expert discussant and provide a high yield and clinically relevant dialogue surrounding the diagnosis and management of benzodiazepine withdrawal and its complications, including the management of delirium tremens and the use of phenobarbital. The case presentation and facilitated discussion will be followed by a live audience question and answer session moderated by Dr. Fipps. The case conference will provide trainees an opportunity to learn about C-L psychiatry and augment C-L education at their institutions. Attendees will learn how to succinctly present a case, observe C-L psychiatrists work through diagnostic challenges, and appreciate management dilemmas that arise in C-L psychiatry.

Registration is required; there is no cost nor CME credit.

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