Boost Your Chances of Having Your Abstract Selected for CLP 2023

Time is running out in your bid to stage a session at CLP 2023 in Texas. The deadline for abstract submissions is Monday April 3.

But there’s a 90-minute video to help boost your chances of having your submission selected.

It’s well worth dipping into it so you can polish up your offering and take advantage of knowing what the assessors are looking for.

Best Practices for Developing Annual Meeting Submissions is chaired by Carrie Ernst, chair of the Mentorship Subcommittee, and also has contributions from other stalwarts of our Annual Meeting subcommittees.

Slides from the session are also available to download.

CLP 2023 is on the theme of Integrating Care and Evidence Across the Lifespan, and will take place in Austin, Texas, on November 8-11.

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