Annual Members’ Business Meeting 2020

Annual Members’ Business Meeting 2020

FINAL FILES: Click here to download the slide deck featured at this year’s meeting. There were no additions to the handouts provided on August 21 (linked below). Minutes will be posted here before the end of the year.

This year’s Annual Members’ Business Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 14, 2020, at 8:00 am PST / 11:00 am EST. The meeting will be held virtually and is scheduled for 45 minutes. Advance registration is required to attend the meeting at this webpage:

Agenda items included the election of officers and board directors, amendments to the Academy’s bylaws, an update from the journal editor, and various committee reports. Download the business meeting materials, as of August 21 [PDF]. Further items will be added to the meeting materials closer to the meeting and can be downloaded from this page. The slide deck for the meeting will be posted to this webpage on or about November 7th.

The page includes the following sections:

Bylaw Amendments

While the main purpose of these amendments is to reduce the size of the Board per the Board’s announced strategy at the annual members’ business meeting in San Diego, California, last November, there are also some language changes to clarify committee composition, change the Nominating Committee composition, and edit the bylaws to be gender neutral. Here is a summary in bullet form:

The Bylaws Subcommittee of the Governance Committee, the full Governance Committee, and ACLP Board of Directors have reviewed and approved these amendments.

Election of Officers and Board Directors:

President-elect Maria Tiamson-Kassab, MD, FACLP, will receive the president’s gavel from current president Michael Sharpe, MD, FACLP.

The Nominating Committee (Drs. Brendel (chair), Heinrich, Fitz-Gerald, Huffman and Wise) respectfully submits the following slate of officers and directors for consideration at the Annual Members’ Business Meeting:


President-elect: Philip Bialer, MD, FACLP

Vice President: Maryland Pao, MD, FACLP

Treasurer: Madeleine Becker, MD, FACLP

Secretary: E. Sherwood Brown, MD, PhD, FACLP

Board Directors:

Thomas Heinrich, MD, FACLP, second 3-year term

Mary Ann Cohen, MD, FACLP; to fill the unfinished term of 2-years vacated by Dr. Brown

Virtual Meeting Operating Principles

Pursuant to the State of New York’s Not-For-Profit Corporation Law N-PCL § 708(c) the Academy’s Annual Members’ Business Meeting 2020 will be conducted virtually using the GoToWebinar platform. The meeting will be chaired by the Academy President, Michael Sharpe, MD, FACLP.

The service permits both video and regular phone line access, however, understand that participating in the meeting by regular phone line will not provide real-time presentation of reports, which will be displayed on screen during the meeting. The presentation slide deck will be available for download prior to the meeting from this webpage.

Pursuant to N-PCL § 607, members are entitled to receive the names of members entitled to vote. The names of all registered meeting participants will be accessible via the registrant list of GoToWebinar during the meeting itself and will be posted to this webpage prior to the meeting.

Upon registering to participate with GoToWebinar you will be sent a confirmation email with detailed instructions on how to participate in the meeting. Please read these instructions carefully and be sure to test your technology in advance of the meeting. The confirmation email will provide you the option to download a calendar reminder, which you are encouraged to do.

All participants joining the meeting will be muted upon arrival. GoToWebinar provides the opportunity to “raise your hand” if you wish to be given the floor to speak. The President will manage requests for the floor. As the meeting is short, not all requests for the floor may be granted. You may submit comments or questions via the Chat option which will be recorded and passed to the Board for further action after the meeting.

There are three known votes scheduled for the meeting (see agenda). Each vote will be conducted using GoToWebinar’s built-in voting feature, which will record your vote uniquely to your registration login. Phone line participants will be asked to vote by entering their vote in the Chat log so that their votes are recorded. Due to the nature of a virtual meeting, we will not be able to record votes by acclamation.

The Secretary will take the minutes of the meeting.

The meeting will be recorded and made available to members unable to participate. Please be aware your participation will be recorded and made a permanent part of the record until such time that the Board decides the recording can be deleted.

If you encounter technical problems and are unable to connect to the meeting, please contact GoToWebinar directly for technical help and notify the Academy Executive Office at the same time at

Proxy Voting
Proxy voting for the Annual Members’ Business Meeting will be issued via email to all voting-eligible Academy members no later than October 14th. There is no requirement to complete proxy voting if you plan to attend the meeting to vote in person.