SIGs & SIG Numbers

IN THIS ISSUE: President’s Message | Medical Students | SIGs & SIG Numbers | ACLP Committees

Check Out What the SIGs and Caucuses Are Doing

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Addiction & Toxicology
Burn & Trauma Injury
Cardiovascular Psychiatry
Community Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Practice
Critical Care Psychiatry
Early Career Psychiatrists
Global & Cultural
Hispano-American C-L Psychiatry
HIV/AIDS Psychiatry
Integrative Medicine (Complementary & Alternative Medicine)
Medicine & Psychiatry
Military & Veterans
Palliative Medicine & Psycho-Oncology
Pediatric C-L Psychiatry
Proactive C-L Psychiatry
Psychological Considerations
Quality & Safety
Transplant Psychiatry
Women’s Health


Addiction and Toxicology
David Hathaway, MD; Thida Thant, MD

The SIG is thriving and excited for the new year!

In the last year we had multiple SIG members presenting workshops at the annual meeting, including Bioethical Considerations of Harm Reduction (co-sponsored by the Bioethics SIG), Substance-Related Disorders in End-Stage Liver Disease, and a preconference addiction updates course (consider this a plug to visit the on-demand session recordings).

We continued to have important and impactful papers published by members, including one on PeTH testing in liver transplant evaluations.

Looking forward to 2024, we have developed multiple submission workgroups for topics related to substance-related presentations in medical settings and in unique and challenging populations; regional trends of use; and ethical considerations in situations such as capacity evaluations.

Similar to past years, we continue to foster collaborative relationships with other ACLP SIGs, including Bioethics and Pediatric C-L Psychiatry. These workgroups are starting to meet now and will be finalizing submissions in time for CLP 2024.

We have a variety of scholarship-focused workgroups looking into the current landscape of addiction training and work within C-L Psychiatry, and clinical monitoring and lab testing for substances such as cannabis in medical settings.

The future of addiction work and training in C-L Psychiatry, inadequate comfort and competence in addiction work, and systems issues for patients with co-occurring disorders remain hot topics in our listserv and serve as sources of inspiration for future collaborations and presentations at addiction conferences, inter-institutional projects, and webinars.

Visit the Addiction & Toxicology SIG page on the Academy website here.

Chair: Shannon Mazur, DO; Samantha Zwiebel, MD

The SIG will meet virtually several times over the next quarter to gather topics for abstract submission for CLP 2024. Each year, the SIG is proud to sponsor several highly attended workshops at the annual meeting. In Austin, this included:  

  • Bioethical Considerations of Harm Reduction (co-sponsored by ACLP’s Addiction & Toxicology, and Bioethics SIGs).
  • Medical Advance Care Planning in Patients with Mental Illness: Ethical and Legal Challenges (co-sponsored by ACLP’s Palliative Medicine & Psycho-Oncology and Bioethics SIGs).
  • To Die or Live Trying: Physician Aid in Dying for Treatment-Refractory Mental Illness
  • Words Really Matter—When is it Suicide and When is it Something Else?

After the success of the two co-sponsored symposia in Austin, we are planning ongoing collaboration between SIGs.

The SIG would like to thank Kenneth Ashley, MD, FACLP, for his time as co-chair during which he provided valuable guidance and support. He will remain active within the SIG, serving as a mentor and advisor. We are pleased to announce Samantha Zwiebel, MD, will be stepping up to the role of vice-chair. Samantha served for several years as the Bioethics SIG early career chair and has demonstrated her passion and commitment to the field.

Several hot topics are being discussed within the SIG including the restriction of antipsychotics in nursing homes, the moral distress of working with a broken health care system, substance use disorders and capacity, and ethical perspective for palliative care of refractory eating disorders with discussion of the recent New York Times article Should Patients be Allowed to Die from Anorexia?

The SIG will be forming several workgroups to foster the development of bioethics education and training standards, DEI practices, and increasing our web presence. We are excited to have ongoing involvement from many of our seasoned SIG members and look forward to including new faces in the coming year!

Visit the Bioethics SIG page on the Academy website here.

Burn & Trauma Injury
Chairs: Eric Golden, MD; Erica Hatch, MD

The SIG, in collaboration with the Pediatric C-L Psychiatry SIG, sponsored a virtual symposium during CLP 2023 entitled A Primer on Burn Psychiatry. 

Also, during the meeting, SIG members discussed variations in liaison relationships among C-L Psychiatry services and burn and trauma surgery services at different institutions; management strategies for common consult questions; potential upcoming projects; and topics for further discussion among SIG members. 

Plans for CLP 2024 include having Zoom meetings every two months and developing consensus guidelines for psychiatric management of delirium, acute stress disorder, depression and anxiety in burn and trauma injury patients. 

We are also excited to rotate SIG leadership roles this year, and plan to announce a new chair and vice-chair soon.

Visit the Burn and Trauma Injury SIG page on the Academy website here.

Cardiovascular Psychiatry
Chairs: Rima Styra, MD; Margo Funk, MD, FACLP

The SIG presented an informative symposium on the logistics of setting up of psychocardiology clinics during the ACLP annual meeting. 

Members had identified this as an area of interest, and were able to provide expert guidance on needs assessment, referral criteria, space and funding issues, resources, research, as well as interdisciplinary collaborations. We also provided a template outlining steps to be considered when joining or starting a clinic.

During the meeting we discussed areas of interest and identified specific needs in cardiovascular psychiatry that should be explored and potentially presented at CLP 2024. We are excited to plan a SIG symposium that will reflect this year’s Academy theme of Promoting Whole Health Through Innovative and Integrative Approaches to C-L Psychiatry. 

The SIG listserv continues to be an active forum for communication. It has been helpful in planning for presentations, and providing an opportunity for SIG members to interact and learn from each other. 

SIG membership has continued to grow over the years and we always welcome new members. Please reach out to us if you are interested in joining us. 

Visit the Cardiovascular Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.

Community Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Practice
Chair: Hindi Mermelstein, MD, FACLP

Spring is coming and with it a new, invigorated Community Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Practice SIG which I am confident with blossom over the coming years. This was confirmed at the annual meeting in Austin where our SIG meeting was well-attended and where the discussion of our SIG and future planning  was so lively we almost outstayed our welcome in the next group.

A focus was on the need for connection and networking in ‘real time,’ as well as through the listserv, with potential solutions a key focus.

There was excitement about our co-sponsored workshop: Being the C-L Service: Leaving the Ivory Tower for Community Practice, co-sponsored by ACLP’s C-L Psychiatry Division Directors, featuring Drs. De Simone, Schmeltzer, Schneider and Cinderella.

It was well received as it embodied the essence to the transitions, strains and solutions so frequently encountered among our SIG members. It was also the springboard for an exchange of ideas for our continued work during the year, as well as potential topics and workgroups submissions at the  next annual meeting in Florida in November.

Spring  plans for our SIG involve those we all share with transitions in staff; trainees (for those who have them); and our patient populations whose schedules often shift along with ours.

Preparations for CLP 2024 are well underway. We will meet virtually over the next month to further brainstorm and to prepare this year’s submissions building on the successful Austin meeting.

It is an exciting time for  the SIG, a time of new energy, new faces and new ideas—including a search for new leadership. If you are interested in chairing or co-chairing the SIG please reach out to me through the SIG email or via my direct email:

Thank you for your interest, your excitement, your ideas and your willingness to be involved. 

Critical Care Psychiatry
Chairs: José Maldonado, MD, FACLP; Jordan Rosen, MD

The SIG was established to:

  • Enable networking and discourse and enhance content capacity and expertise in Psychiatry within critical care settings among ACLP members.
  • Recognize the most common Psychiatry manifestations among patients in critical care settings and provide clinicians with the knowledge and tools necessary to the practice of Psychiatry in critical care.
  • Provide a central repository of critical care psychiatry resources germane to practice in critical care.
  • Encourage and foster new publications of complex psychiatric issues unique to critical care.
  • Promote collaboration and research among critical care psychiatry specialists and other disciplines in the critical care setting, including participation in interdisciplinary forums for the development of best practice treatment guidelines for critically ill patients.

Future plans include developing standards of care in clinical practice; developing training standards for fellowship; and offering research opportunities and projects; alongside mentorship and consultation; and engagement with the professional scientific community.

The SIG will be represented at regional, national and international meetings during the year, including those of the American Psychiatric Association (May) and the American Delirium Society (June). Plans are also underway for the SIG’s participation at CLP 2024.

Visit the Critical Care Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.

Early Career Psychiatrists
Chairs: Jeremy Chaikind, MD; Martekuor Dodoo, MD

The SIG is dedicated to promoting the interests and priorities of C-L psychiatrists in fellowship training and in the first stages of their post-training career.

To best serve this next generation of C-L psychiatrists, the SIG worked to elicit feedback on the needs of our members and to improve engagement in our SIG during the annual meeting and year round.

Over the last year, some of the accomplishments of this group include welcoming new members to the SIG, establishing a strong liaison with the Early Career Track Subcommittee, and working with ACLP leadership to promote ECP presentations at the annual meeting.

In 2024, we are prioritizing three overarching goals: 

  • Providing a safe space for internal communication amongst ECPs.
  • Promoting external connection with established psychiatrists and to elicit their guidance on the issues ECPs face.
  • Advocating for ECP priorities within ACLP as a whole and especially in terms of programming during the annual meeting.

In the next few weeks, we will be asking our members about the kinds of events, offerings, and activities that would be most helpful to them in this stage of their career.

If you are interested in learning more about our SIG and connecting with fellow early-career psychiatrists, we encourage you to sign up on our listserv. If you want to be more involved in programming and future directions for the SIG, please don’t hesitate to email the co-chairs directly at: and

Global & Cultural
Chairs: Stephen Nicolson, MD, FACLP; Shuchi Khosla, MD

The SIG has long been a space within the Academy for issues of global mental health and cultural psychiatry. At CLP 2023, the SIG welcomed new leadership in Shuchi Khosla, MD, who took over as the co-chair alongside Stephen Nicolson who has led the SIG for the past many years.

In the past few months, SIG members have affirmed a commitment to regular bi-monthly meetings that have been well attended.

Members voted to formally expand the scholarship of the SIG to include climate change, an issue that has featured in many previous SIG presentations. We are in the process of renaming the SIG to Global, Cultural, and Climate SIG.   

The leadership structure of the SIG has expanded to include three group leads:

  • Global mental health lead Jose Arriola Vigo, MPH, MD.
  • Cultural psychiatry lead Mona Mojtahedzadeh, MD.
  • Climate psychiatry lead Zelde Espinel, MD.

All have brought much experience and enthusiasm to our core team.

Over the next six months, along with putting together educational content for the ACLP annual meeting, the SIG has set itself the following goals:

  • Updating the SIG web page with cultural/global/climate psychiatry resources.
  • Designing a mini-cultural psychiatry curriculum for residents and medical students.
  • Putting together evidence-based guidelines for practices supporting culturally informed care in general hospital settings.
  • Collaborating with ACLP case conferences to present cases where Cultural concepts of distress are central to the outcome and patient experience.

We are working to expand our membership and to collaborate with other SIGs to develop resources to meet the emergent need for advocacy, scholarship, and mentorship in these important, yet under-researched issues in C-L Psychiatry, both at home and abroad.

Visit the Global & Cultural SIG page on the Academy website here.

Hispano-American C-L Psychiatry
Chairs: José Roberto Galindo-Donaire, MD, MSc; Laura Suárez-Pardo, MD

For 2024, we have integrated new ACLP members from across US, Latin America, and Spain. We are currently a network of more than 120 members. Our meeting at Austin was essential to continue planning collaboration between clinicians and institutions. Our listserv and WhatsApp group have permitted the best virtual communication channels.

Our usual structured academic meetings are planned to take place throughout the year with the collaboration and attendance of group members. Our group is also interested in making information accessible to many more people, so efforts will be made to translate information to Spanish, stemming from ACLP through its official channels. 

Additionally, we have formed a working group that will focus on international scientific collaboration with a planned survey of C-L Psychiatry units in the region, as well as the identification of experts in specific C-L Psychiatry topics that develop in these units. 

Currently, with the participation of members, research is under way regarding the cultural validity of a clinical instrument in Spanish that aids in the evaluation of bipolar patients. 

Also, we plan to assess the needs of the Latin American population seen in general hospital Psychiatry units in the US regarding culturally sensitive evaluations beyond the language. 

Finally, inter-SIG collaboration remains a mainstay of our group and members are encouraged to actively engage and participate in all ACLP activities.

Visit the Hispano-American C-L Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.

HIV/AIDS Psychiatry
Chairs: Luis Pereira, MD; Paulo Sales, MD

The SIG  stands as a beacon of progress and collaboration in the field of HIV/AIDS Psychiatry. From its humble beginnings with 32 members in 2003, the group has blossomed into a thriving community of more than 700 dedicated professionals collaborating on projects across the globe.

At the heart of our group is a vibrant and diverse international community, with members hailing from Mexico to Portugal and the Philippines. This global representation enriches our discussions and initiatives, bringing a wealth of perspectives and experiences to the table. Our members are not just colleagues; we are true collaborators and friends, united with a common goal to enhance the care and understanding of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Among projects, we are preparing a submission for the upcoming annual World Psychiatric Association meeting. Our theme, Building Bridges through Medical Education to Promote Holistic Psychiatric Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS, reflects our commitment to not just treat but truly understand and support the mental health needs of those living with HIV/AIDS through the education of medical professionals at all levels.

Furthermore, we invite you to contribute to the preconference course at this year’s Miami ACLP annual meeting. Our SIG co-chairs, Drs. Sales and Pereira, want to help you harness this unique opportunity to present your research and share your practical knowledge with fellow professionals who are curious to learn more about HIV Psychiatry.

Our Pocket Guide to HIV Psychiatry is being edited with APA to provide a concise roadmap for busy clinicians who treat people living with HIV. The book is expected to reach the shelves this year. We also continue to expand and create workgroups, developing several exciting new projects on diversity, equity, and inclusion; psychotherapy; telepsychiatry; and collaborative care.

We welcome new members in all career stages, from medical students to senior psychiatrists. Joining our SIG not only means being part of a group that’s at the forefront of HIV Psychiatry, but also being part of a community that values each member’s contribution, fosters professional growth, and champions innovative approaches to care. Together, we can continue to break new ground in HIV Psychiatry and improve the lives of those we serve.

Visit the HIV/AIDS Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.

Integrative Medicine (Complementary & Alternative Medicine)
Chairs: Janna Gordon-Elliott, MD, FACLP; Ana Ivkovic, MD; Uma Naidoo, MD

Beginning this calendar year, the SIG has launched a monthly meeting (2nd Thursdays, 14:00 PM, EST over Zoom) to foster increased collaboration and discussion with its members.

We are looking forward to a strong presence for this year’s annual meeting. We plan to task separate workgroups with submitting and/or publishing on a variety of topics, including: the gut-brain axis and psychobiotics; micronutrients for mental health; evidence-based supplements and botanicals; the vagus nerve/PNS and psychiatric disorders; evidence-based exercise interventions for depression and anxiety; and green space health benefits.

Visit the Integrative Medicine (Complementary & Alternative Medicine) SIG page on the Academy website here.

Chair: Fi Fonesca, MBBChBAO

The new LGBTQIA2S+ SIG held its inaugural meeting in November at the ACLP annual meeting in Austin. Attendees represented a diverse cross-section of organization membership, including trainees, clinical psychiatrists across the career spectrum, nurse practitioners, and researchers.

SIG chair Fí Fonseca and vice-chair Mark Bradley, MD, FACLP, were delighted to be joined by Dr. Warren Ng, president of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and meeting plenary speaker, who shared his experience and wisdom around bringing advocacy and research to support equity in large professional organizations. The SIG was also delighted to be joined by outgoing president Maryland Pao, MD, FACLP, and incoming president-elect Sherwood Brown, MD, FACLP, who welcomed the SIG into the organization. 

The initial meeting had several goals:

  • Solicit input from LGBTQIA2S+ ACLP members regarding current needs, areas of interest, and goals for the SIG.
  • Promote the SIG survey to collect additional data about membership characteristics and priorities.
  • Lay the groundwork to develop a network of support, mentorship, and growth for the ACLP queer community. The SIG also held its inaugural annual meeting happy hour at a local Austin LGBTQIA2S+ gathering space.

The SIG will hold regular virtual meetings throughout the year, with the first to be announced in coming weeks. A focus of this next meeting will be identifying scholarship priority areas and generating plans for abstract submission for CLP 2024. Interested ACLP members are encouraged to learn more on the SIG’s web page and join so that they can be added to the listserv for more information about the March meeting. Our listserv email is:

Visit the LGBTQIA2S+ SIG page on the Academy website here.


Medicine & Psychiatry
Chairs: Thomas Heinrich, MD, FACLP; Dustin DeMoss, DO, FACLP

We held our first virtual meeting post-annual meeting in December and discussed cleaning up the listserv, a capacity survey, and a potential SIG-sponsored preconference course.

We worked with the executive office to remove SIG members who indicated they no longer wished to be involved in the SIG. This was done in lieu of a complete listserv ‘dump’ and invitation and subsequent re-addition of dedicated members. We will revisit this option once our Capacity/AMA discharge survey is complete. Current membership is approximately 1,500.

Our current objectives for the year ahead are to:

  • Submit a preconference proposal for the annual ACLP meeting (likely an update for the C-L psychiatrist, similar to the ones done in years past).
  • Complete the Capacity/AMA discharge survey and analysis.
  • Identify a SIG vice-chair to be inducted at the annual meeting in November
  • Identify and discuss presentation potential for other organizations that have typically shown interest in our various areas of expertise.

Visit the Medicine & Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.


Military & Veterans
Chairs: Shannon Ford, MD; Sofia Matta, MD

The SIG is excited to announce that Sofia Matta, MD, will be stepping in as co-chair as Eric Devon, MD, has stepped down. We will miss Eric’s presence greatly, as he was the founding chair for this group.  But we are excited to bring Dr. Matta’s experience with both the VA and with organizations supporting both active duty military and veterans to the team.

We had a strong group come together during CLP 2023, setting the way forward for the next year as we expand beyond working with the military treatment facilities and VA hospitals to all those who work with our active duty and veteran populations around the world.

Visit the Military & Veterans SIG page on the Academy website here.


Chairs: Durga Roy, MD, FACLP; Inder Kalra, MD

The SIG has successfully met every two months, and continues to work on the development and expansion of three task forces, reflective of the SIG’s mission.

We have expanded our efforts for membership engagement by offering a social hour successfully held at CLP 2023 in addition to the regularly scheduled November in-person SIG meeting.

Our task groups are busily working on designated projects and being diligent about maintaining deadlines for scholarly products. CLP 2023 also rolled out a new format in which groups were divided based on content area of interest including traumatic brain injury, functional neurologic disorders, movement disorders, autoimmune encephalitis, catatonia, and epilepsy.

Here are updates from each task group:

Scholarship task force has successfully produced three papers in the past six months, the most recent being an article on the history and success of the ACLP Neuropsychiatry SIG. They are:

SIG-sponsored symposia task group has expanded its participants and continues to prepare abstracts for informative workshops, symposia, and skills courses for the ACLP 2024 annual meeting. The group continues to meet independently outside of the regularly scheduled SIG meetings.

We submitted and had three abstracts accepted for presentation at CLP 2023.

SIG symposia and workshops at CLP 2023 included:

  • Sherlock Holmes-ing: C-L Psychiatrists as Neuropsychiatric Detectives Across the Lifespan.
  • Neurological Illnesses Manifesting as Catatonia Across the Lifespan.
  • N-acetyl Cysteine in the Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms Across the Lifespan.

The task group continues to transmit completed presentations into manuscripts for publication.

Education task force members continue to organize a multitude of educational activities within and outside the ACLP.

In collaboration with the Online Education Subcommittee, during CLP 2023 we started plans to have a newly launched website of video lectures, literature references, and neuropsychiatry-focused websites among other educational resources for Academy member to access.

We were invited to give an ACLP Education Committee-sponsored case conference in 2022 on traumatic brain injury and we continue with our inter-institutional neuropsychiatry case conferences, the most recent one being on pediatric catatonia. Robust monthly member case discussions via the listserv continue amongst our very active members.

DEI task force has proposed exploration of treatment guidelines for women veterans with traumatic brain injury and is working on a paper related to migraines in trans individuals. Future initiatives are:

  • Enhancing member engagement through social activities, first launched through our inaugural SIG Happy Hour at the Austin meeting.
  • Due to the rapid expansion of our SIG, we will be streamlining our meetings by grouping members with content areas of interests. A survey was sent to make this process more efficient and the clinical content areas (shown above) reflect the groupings.
  • Mentorship continues to flourish as many of our junior members have been awarded Webb Fellowships and are mentored by Academy experts in neuropsychiatry.
  • Inter-organizational activities with the American Neuropsychiatric Association continue to flourish.

Visit the Neuropsychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.

Palliative Medicine & Psycho-Oncology
Chairs: Sheila Lahijani, MD, FACLP; Wendy Baer, MD

Our SIG meeting at the annual meeting in Austin was attended by 50 members. In small groups we identified the following aims for 2024:

  • Creating a directory of experts with specified interests and expertise within our field for consultation.
  • Mentorship among peers and for trainees.
  • Bolstering recruitment to psych-onc and pall-med as subspecialties.
  • Collaboration on conference submissions and publications.
  • Developing a repository of educational material for sharing among SIG members.
  • Supporting professional development and career advancement of SIG members.

At our February SIG meeting we prioritized our aims and identified leaders for these efforts.

Other activities include two recent ACLP webinars (December and January), which were focused on psycho-oncology and featured members of our SIG as presenters. A current effort also includes developing a podcast on grief and potential collaboration with the Mentorship Subcommittee.

We plan to continue our every other month SIG meeting with panelists virtually until we meet again in person. Many SIG members will be attending the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Meeting in Albuquerque on March 5-8; president-elect is member Kelly Irwin, MD. Other SIG members will also participate in the Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care in Phoenix, on March 20-23, and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and the American Society of Clinical Oncology meetings in April and June, respectively.

Visit the Palliative Medicine & Psycho-Oncology SIG page on the Academy website here.


Pediatric C-L Psychiatry
Chairs: Laura Markley, MD, FACLP; Julienne Jacobson, MD

The SIG is having a banner year. Nearly 40 members attended the in-person SIG discussion, and higher numbers of pediatric C-L psychiatrists attended the annual meeting in 2023 than ever before.

This may in part be due to the status of 2023 ACLP president Maryland Pao, MD, FACLP, as a founder of the SIG, as well as the Across the Lifespan meeting theme. Recent AACAP president Warren Ng, MD, MPH, attended the annual meeting as an ACLP guest and keynote speaker. Drs. Pao and Ng both joined the SIG meeting, inspiring members across a diverse range of career levels.

SIG discussion focused on ways to increase collaboration with other SIGs; access to pediatric C-L Psychiatry formal mentorship; collaborating more intentionally with the AACAP Physically Ill Child Committee (PICC); and updating the SIG portion of the website.

Dr. Pao described a proposed new ACLP award for Pediatric C-L Psychiatry being brought to the executive board. The SIG also had several informal gatherings during the meeting, enjoying each other’s company and networking.

Going into 2024, several SIG members are engaged in pediatric catatonia projects in conjunction with the AACAP PICC. There has been increased discussion with international colleagues on cross-collaboration. Dr. Pao and colleagues at NIMH published a paper describing pathways to certification for pediatric C-L psychiatrists.

SIG members have also been involved in publications describing the increased incidence of Psychiatry patients boarding on pediatric wards, as well as starting to help define best practices in providing care for them.

The SIG had a virtual meeting in February to discuss submissions for CLP 2024. Topics under consideration include challenges with placement for ‘the difficult patient’ (could describe medically complex patients with psychiatric needs, extremely aggressive patients, patients with extreme suicidality and others). Other topics include internet and social media concerns pertaining to Psychiatry, and recently described syndromes with strong psychological and medical cross-over with examples (such as ARFID, cannabinoid hyperemesis).

We look forward to a strong array of submissions, as well as increased participation in all areas of the Academy.

Visit the Pediatric C-L Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.


Proactive C-L Psychiatry
Chairs: Mark Oldham, MD, FACLP; Patrick Triplett, MD

Our SIG had a banner year at the 2023 ACLP annual meeting! Proactive C-L Psychiatry was featured in at least three live workshops:

  • Critical Care Psychiatry—Can the Proactive Approach Work in the ICU? A collaboration between the Proactive C-L Psychiatry and Critical Care Psychiatry SIGs (Drs. Oldham, Bui, Dragonetti, Maldonado).
  • Enhancing the Quality of Quality Improvement: Case Studies in Proactive C-L (Drs. Landsman, Matta, Triplett, Strong, Oldham).
  • Beyond the Bottom Dollar: How C-L Psychiatry Initiatives Can Add Value to Patient Care Across the Lifespan, sponsored by the Academy’s Division Directors.

Drs. Sharpe and Walker presented a plenary on The HOME Study outcomes, with discussion led by Drs. Lee, Levenson, and Madva at a subsequent live workshop, The Future of Inpatient C-L Psychiatry: A ‘Hot Topic’ Evidence-Based Practice Update and Open Forum, sponsored by the Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry.

Drs. Prince, Carroll, and Triplett presented a brief oral paper describing a project looking at four years of data for proactive and traditional C-L Psychiatry services at an academic medical center.

Congratulations to Drs. Chipkin, Baddour, and Black, University of Washington, for winning an award for their poster Proactive Consultative Psychiatry: An Interdisciplinary Teaching Model.

Other notable SIG-related activities include:

  • Sharpe and Walker’s team published a mixed methods study from The HOME study in General Hospital Psychiatry.
  • Bienvenu and Triplett’s team published findings on proactive vs traditional psychiatric consults in General Hospital Psychiatry.
  • Matta is leading a project reviewing social determinants of health in relation to Proactive C-L Psychiatry.
  • Thakur and SIG members will lead the symposium, Proactive and Integrated Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Social Determinants of Mental Health at EAPM 2024 in Lausanne.

For regularly updated resources on proactive C-L Psychiatry, check out our SIG website. If you’re looking for something that’s not there, please let us know! As always, we invite you to join our SIG for access to the listserv and to receive updates on news and opportunities for collaboration.

Visit the Proactive C-L Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.


Psychological Considerations
Chairs: Craig Lichtman, MD, MBA, FACLP; Janeta Tansey, MD, PhD, FAPA

The SIG has created an opt-in WhatsApp group for its members as a redundancy to the listserv, to explore an alternative form of communicating with each other and due to concerns with inbox overload and institutional email blockers. Any ACLP members interested in joining the WhatsApp for Psychological Considerations SIG can contact the chairs.

The SIG has reviewed and discussed SIG minutes from the annual meeting in greater depth and towards possible workshop proposals and curricular interests. One reading group and several working groups have been formed. The reading group committed to reviewing and discussing selections from the first edition of the Psychodynamic Manual (PDM) in January-February, to increase familiarity with this resource.

SIG working groups are exploring topics including, but not limited to, emotional intelligence in teaching and practice; countertransference and team dynamics; object-relations theory/application to special populations; existential and meaning-centered needs/interventions.

Visit the Psychological Considerations SIG page on the Academy website here.


Quality & Safety
Chair: David Kroll, MD, FACLP

SIG members, led by Pat Buckley, MD, have spent the last approximately two years refining our systematic search for papers that we will use to complete our white paper on recommendations for the ACLP’s engagement with quality measures.

We are now finally in the process of reviewing these papers and plan to have results to work with over the summer. We look forward to hopefully sharing our findings with the rest of the ACLP in the fall.

We’ll plan to meet again in the spring and summer to review our findings and to plan our next initiatives after this project is completed.

Chair: Kathleen Sheehan, MD; Dan Shalev, MD

The SIG has spent the last six months focused on renewal. We named a new co-chair, Dan Shalev, assistant professor in Medicine/Psychiatry at Weill Cornell in New York. In October 2023, we distributed a needs assessment survey to our members. We had a vigorous response and this will guide our activities in the years to come, identifying key areas of interest and how we can improve our offerings to support researchers in C-L Psychiatry.

We had a great in-person event at CLP 2023 in November. It was wonderful to see our members, with many also participating in the Academy’s first research colloquium, and to hear about the exciting research work that our members are engaged with. The SIG co-sponsored a workshop with DEI and research subcommittees, entitled Social Justice Through Scholarship: Integrating DEI and Research in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry.

The SIG has several exciting initiatives planned for 2024, including engagement with the Mentorship Subcommittee to help promote careers in research. We also hope to incorporate quarterly SIG meetings, with a works-in-progress section for those looking to get feedback on a research project, grant application, or paper.

We continue to work on building out our ACLP webpage to include information on how to get started in research and with sources of potential funding. We are looking to grow our SIG leadership team, so please let us know if you are interested in joining this and/or participating in a research-focused workshop at the 2024 annual meeting.

Visit the Research SIG page on the Academy website here.

Chair: Terry Rabinowitz, MD, FACLP

We have just begun work on developing proposals for ACLP 2024.

Here’s a list of publications either directly related to Telepsychiatry or published by a Telepsychiatry SIG member(s) and one manuscript under review:

    Visit the Telepsychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.


    Transplant Psychiatry
    Chairs: Yelizaveta Sher, MD, FACLP; G. Scott Winder, MD, FACLP

    The SIG was hard at work during 2023 and will be so again in 2024.

    The SIG consists of C-L psychiatrists and psychologists interested in clinical topics and treatment strategies for candidates and recipients with the goal of supporting our patients and the transplant teams we are affiliated with.

    In the coming year, we will continue monthly virtual meetings where we discuss common and controversial cases alike. Our January meeting sparked helpful discussion and listserv correspondence regarding lithium management during the peri-transplant period.  The interactions were of such high caliber that SIG members will be writing a much-needed manuscript on the topic.

    The SIG contains several active workgroups including on patient and colleague education, as well as early liver transplantation in acute alcohol-associated hepatitis.

    Members are actively preparing for CLP 2024 including the preconference course on Transplant Psychiatry which will focus on new and emerging issues and will involve audience participation.

    A subset of SIG members will be working on the 2nd edition of Psychosocial Care of End-Stage Organ Disease and Transplant Patients, a valuable textbook for many, slated to come out in mid-2025.

    Visit the Transplant Psychiatry SIG page on the Academy website here.


    Women’s Health
    Chairs: Priya Gopalan, MD, FACLP; Deepika Sundararaj, MD

    The SIG continues to remain active in 2024 and is committed to the dissemination of work related to reproductive psychiatry and women’s health. Membership of the group is diverse, spans the globe, and continues to grow.

    The SIG met in person at CLP 2023 to discuss submission ideas for papers as well as presentations for ACLP, APA and the Marce Society. They met again in February to continue planning for submissions to ACLP.

    SIG members have collaborated on several academic projects and are currently working on a paper focused on addressing maternal mortality and care inequities in reproductive psychiatry (based on our preconference course on providing care for marginalized communities during CLP 2022).

    We will also be working in collaboration with the ACLP’s Guidelines and Evidence-Based Medicine Subcommittee to develop clinical guidelines in women’s health. In our efforts to increase outreach, we are creating a series on Perinatal Psychiatry for an ACLP podcast this fall.

    The SIG has an established listserv through ACLP for communication throughout the year, valuing discussions around academic collaborations, case discussions, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. The SIG will continue to provide opportunities to network and collaborate on projects. Please be in touch if you wish to be included in our listserv.

    Visit the Women’s Health SIG page on the Academy website here.

    See: New Groups for Sports Psychiatrists and International Medical Graduates, ACLP News, February.


    ACLP SIG Member Counts

    Want to join an Academy SIG? Visit:  You can belong to as many SIGs as you wish, and you do not necessarily need knowledge nor experience of the specialty—if you simply want to learn more, here is your opportunity.


    SIG/Caucus Total
    Addiction & Toxicology 666
    Bioethics 811
    Burn & Trauma Injury 236
    Cardiovascular Psychiatry 542
    Collaborative & Integrated Care 670
    Community Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Practice 545
    Critical Care Psychiatry 367
    Early Career Psychiatrists 1189
    Emergency Psychiatry 1056
    Geriatric Psychiatry 487
    Global & Cultural 550
    Hispano-American C-L Psychiatry 214
    HIV-AIDS Psychiatry 701
    Integrative Medicine (Complementary & Alt. Medicine) 282
    LGBTQIA2S+‎ 71
    Medicine & Psychiatry 1473
    Military & Veterans 245
    Neuropsychiatry 1251
    Palliative Medicine & Psycho-oncology 895
    Pediatric C-L Psychiatry 472
    Proactive C-L Psychiatry 466
    Psychological Considerations 274
    Quality & Safety 338
    Research 633
    Telepsychiatry 794
    Transplant Psychiatry 477
    Women’s Health 977


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